Monday, April 23, 2007

I have news about upcoming books, and would like to share information on all of my romance novels with my readers. Here are updates and links. Please join my MySpace as a friend, and I'd love to be your friend too! "Sweet Surrender" has come out in paperback! Please take a moment to check me out :) The first chapter of all of my books, and how to purchase them or win free downloads, is on my site. Shortly, I will be running a contest for a few autographed paperback of "Sweet Surrender," which got excellent reviews (I'm so excited!). You can read the reviews on my site also.
To check out more news, and see pictures of me, my family, and all my wonderful friends, please go to my MySpace.
I hope you're all well. Blessings to each of you.

Pam Marshall/Nicole L. Pierce

SWEET SURRENDER (bestseller for Linden Bay and 4 Angels from FAR) Pam Marshall

out in paperback!!!

LOVE GAMES (new release by Nicole L. Pierce—my alter)

INSATIABLE PASSIONS (release date to be announced) by Nicole L. Pierce

Just sold to Whiskey Creek/Torrid

Just completed:

Kidnapped and Spanked by an Alien

Except on webisite (Sign up as a friend!)